STEM – science, technology, engineering and mathematics – covers a wide range of disciplines and skills, which are increasingly in demand in our rapidly changing world. STEM skills and knowledge are important for all stages of our learning, jobs and everyday lives.
We have a very comprehensive range of resources to support the teaching of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) including coding ‘Bee Bots’, spheros, robots, pulleys and Osmo allowing children to collaborate, create and learn while laughing and playing.
Digital Learning is learning supported by the use of digital technologies. It provides the opportunity for students to use technology in a smart, safe and responsible manner.
Cyber Safety
We consider Cyber safety to be a very important life skill. Each year every Learning Community participates in an Inquiry Based Learning Unit that provides students with vital skills to be tech savvy and safe in the 21st Century. Previous units are ‘How can I share my learning using ICT?’ and ‘How can ICT enhance our learning community?’
eSmart initative
Anglesea Primary School is an eSmart school. The eSmart initiative has been developed for Australian schools. It is an easy-to-use, evidence-based and tested system to help schools manage cyber safety and deal with cyber bullying and bullying. The eSmart system provides a framework for schools to implement whole-school culture and behaviour change relevant to the smart, safe and responsible use of digital technologies.
© 2021 Anglesea Primary School